Which Cramm Are You!?!?

What's in a Cramm?? Is it love? is it passion? Or is it just devotion? Well you can find all that out and more by taking this magnificently crafted quiz, so everyone can discover the Cramm within! ( some side affects may occur )

Have you always wanted to be a Cramm?? Do you lye awake at night thinking just how grand life would be if you were born into this famed family?? Well this is your chance to lead a better life! Take the quiz and find out which Cramm YOU are!!

Created by: MFOX of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The Cramm residence is going to be uninhabited for march break, so you...
  2. When facing the extremely difficult situation of teen alcoholism, you...
  3. A friend calls at 8:23 am, waking you up and disturbing your "Cramm Time", so you say...
  4. The Cramms are voyaging to Quebec!!! As a member of the clan you think...
  5. Given that you are a very curious Cramm, you decide to go on facebook and search the one and only family name! In doing so you discover...
  6. You're at a friends house when all of a sudden someone turns on the TV. OMG IT'S YOUR FAVORITE SHOW!! You scream...
  7. When thrust into a room full math equations that you must either solve or die, you say...
  8. You're walking on the street when all of sudden you can't find the love of your life; your newly purchased cell phone!!! But just when you think life will never be the same, an elderly woman taps your shoulder and says "I think you dropped this!" you say.
  9. You are a Cramm. What can't you live without??
  10. Whose your favorite Cramm??

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Quiz topic: Which Cramm am I!?!?