Do you like passion fruits?

Everyone knows what passion fruits are but do you like them? Do you LOVE them? Well personally I hate them but take this quiz and see how much you really like 'em.

Please comment on this quiz! So take this unique quiz and find out how much you are in love with passion FRUITS.!! I There are many passion fruit lovers out there, the question is ; are you one?

Created by: Georgia

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like the white furry stuff on the inside of orange passion fruit skin?
  2. Do you like the feeling of the slimy red seeds in your mouth?
  3. Do you put the entire passion fruit in your mouth and crunch it up?
  4. Do you cuddle passion fruits as you sleep?
  5. Do you roast, freeze, boil, fry, bake, and refrigerate them for effect?
  6. Do you make passion fruit cheesecake or passion fruit fizz?
  7. Do you stich passion fruit skin together and make bras or knickers? (or boxer shorts)
  8. Do you watch documentaries about passion fruits on YouTube?
  9. Ever had a passion fruit party?
  10. Do you dream about passion fruits?

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Quiz topic: Do I like passion fruits?