Which countryball are you? Vol. 2

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Hello! It's me again, your quiz maker. So you done my first quiz but didn't liked the answer? No problem, here are the new countryballs: Brazilball, Chinaball, Croatiaball, Serbiaball, Finlandball, Estoniaball, Irelandball, Italyball, Vietnamball and Cubaball.

So you need to answer some questions. That's all... you can start playing. I am just writing something so I can fill the space. Soo go and play it, it is exciting. Ahhh here we go it is full. Bye!

Created by: G'day mate
  1. Do you like communism?
  2. How would you invade a country?
  3. Nordic?
  4. Serbia says: REMOVE KEBAB!!!!
  5. Do you like the sea?
  6. How about wine?
  7. Bye!
  8. If you are attacked, what do you do?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. If there's an not occupied island, what do you do?
  11. If an countryball asks for help because it is in an civil war, what do you do?
  12. Do you like your family?

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Quiz topic: Which countryball am I? Vol. 2
