which country best fits you

not all countrys are included

Created by: Ty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite continent in this list
  2. do you like it hot
  3. do you like beer
  4. do you want a peaceful country
  5. do you like spicy food
  6. do you like hockey
  7. do you like to read
  8. do you like sushi
  9. would you want a rich or poor country
  10. which do you like more
  11. how often do you brush your teeth
  12. do you want a country with high tech stuff
  13. do you like the east or west
  14. do you have a good education
  15. are you ok living in a war zone
  16. are you ok with living in a large country
  17. are you ok living in a country not safe gangs, drugs, war zone
  18. what temperature would you like in winter
  19. what temperature do you like in spring
  20. what temperature do you like it in summer
  21. what temperature would you like it all year through
  22. what country do you think you will get
  23. which country do you want to get

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