Which completely made up thing are you?

This quiz has no purpose. None whatsoever. I just wanted to be a total troll and spit all over the Disney Princess, Lord of the Rings, and Hunger Games crud I keep seeing.

Only take this quiz if you really don't care. Because I don't. Really. I really don't. And for some stupid reason I have to type some more, so I'm just going to... oh wait, made the goal, I can stop typing.

Created by: Dude

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Squirrels or yellow?
  3. Glee or pajamas?
  4. A train is travelling east at 57 miles an hour and a cat is farting at 22 decibels. At what time will they make pancakes on mars?
  5. Sweatshirts are on the floor. Jewelry?
  6. Question 8?
  7. Wizards are shooting +8 fireballs at you do you:
  8. 12 o'clock
  9. Day 42
  10. Why do you care so much?

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Quiz topic: Which completely made up thing am I?