Which color Yoshi are you?

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Do you love Nintendo, or video games? Do you like Yoshi? Say yes to any of these questions and you’ll enjoy this quiz. Which Yoshi are you? Once you answer, you will know!

You also will figure out what personality traits you have depending on the Yoshi you choose. Whether you are talented Pink Yoshi, or sporty Red Yoshi, this quiz is for you.

Created by: Allison of Please listen to my podcast! Thanks!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you sometimes brag or be stubborn?
  3. Are you mentally flexible?
  4. Do you have a talent?
  5. Are you good at sports?
  6. Would friends consider you “smart”?
  7. Do you like Yoshi?
  8. Do you copy people?
  9. Are you a Capricorn? (Capricorn traits may affect your Yoshi!)
  10. Did you/will you click on the link I provided below and listen to my podcast? [no urls]

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Quiz topic: Which color Yoshi am I?
