Which civilization/country are you?

There are many great empires and nations. But are all of them truly great? Does great mean they were peaceful, innovative, or just powerful? You decide, okay, it's a quiz after all.

What empire are you? Are you the so-called savage Mongols? Were you the kickstarter of the Industrial Revolution? Or did you conquer other people to gain riches? FOUND OUT NOW BY TAKING THE QUIZ!

Created by: 4emerlor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How are you?
  2. If someone kidnapped your mom and poisoned your dad, what will you do?
  3. Do you like smex?!
  5. Do you have guns?
  6. U LIK POTATO!?!?
  7. Gold is the best thing. Ever.
  8. Iron is cool, too.
  9. So what do you think?(no effect)
  10. Will you rate and/or comment?(no effect)

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Quiz topic: Which civilization/country am I?