Which Chipmunk are you?

Which chipmunk are you, the name says it all. Let's find out! Are you Al, Britt, Jean, Si, Theo, or Ellie? My personal fave is JEANETTE!!! She is totally me!

Do you like the Chipmunks, and what about the Chipettes? Witch one fits your personality, This quiz may surprise you!😀 I loved making this quiz and hope you love playing it.

Created by: ChipettesFan
  1. Fav food
  2. Fav movie?
  3. Fav color
  4. Fav pair
  5. What would your friends describe you as
  6. Do you like the quiz so far?Halfway through!
  7. Fave drink?
  8. Fav chipmunk
  9. Fave time
  10. Fave movie genre
  11. Fav feelings

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Quiz topic: Which Chipmunk am I?
