Which character of mine are you

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Hello this is a quiz to see which character u r.these are all my original characters that I made so....ya have fun...this is for girls only sort of in less ur a dude and don't care if you get a girl character.

Same thing as before.but this has to be like one hundred and fifty words so I'm just gonna ramble...hi I'm new like I said before this is fun and stuff.I'm bored now can I be done plz.

Created by: Emeraldisadragon
  1. What's your personality?
  2. Say a random person walks up to you, you...?
  3. How do you feel about opposite gender?
  4. What about fighting?
  5. Favorite color??(sry plz don't kill me)
  6. What's your family like?
  7. Last of all.. bum bum bum!. Hair color?
  8. Jk theres more Which name do u like best
  9. Fave food?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Which character of mine am I
