Which Character from Wings of Fire are you? (The five)

Hello, thank you for trying this quiz. This is a quiz about who from Wings of Fire are you. The results are Sunny, Tsunami, Starflight, Glory, and Clay. Thank you again!

I am Blizzard the IceWing, and I hope you like this quiz, I personally hope you get Glory, she's my favorite of the Dragonets of Destiny, I'm just saying...Good luck!!

Created by: Blizzard the Icewing
  1. Where would you prefer to live?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. How would you treat a trespasser?
  5. What food you favor? (If you were a dragon)
  6. Who does Glory like in Wings of Fire? If you answer correctly, you will get Glory the RainWing points, but if you answer wrong, you don't gain anything
  7. Who does Tsunami like in Wings of Fire? If you answer correctly, you will get Tsunami the SeaWing points, but if you answer wrong, you don't gain anything
  8. Do you know Wings of Fire?
  9. If you know Wings of Fire, pick who your favorite is out of these options
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Character from Wings of Fire am I? (The five)
