which character are you most like from my story?

hello! this is a quiz to see which character from my story you are. are you sweet like sunny? or sassy like madalynn. find out by taking this quiz! these results are 100% accurate.

i hope you enjoy taking this quiz. i spent a veeeeeeeeery looooooong time making it. it was very fun to make it though. i hope you enjoy your time here!

Created by: therianlove13
  1. what’s your favorite color of cat?
  2. what is your personality trait
  3. what do you love most
  4. what is your zodiac sign #1
  5. what is your zodiac sign #2?
  6. what is your element
  7. pick a place to sleep/live
  8. pick an animal to be for the rest of your life
  9. what’s your favorite drink
  10. pick an activity (in school)

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Quiz topic: Which character am I most like from my story?
