Which character are you from the Vaush anime?

How RadLib are you? Which Vaush character are you? Take the damn quiz Jack and find out. This is my first quiz and I suck pp at this so please lower your expectations. This quiz was created by BoreRagnarok.

Idk why but I have to write a second paragraph apparently and it has to reach a certain number of characters so I'll just talk about our Lord Shrek for a second. Oh wait, I have enough characters, OK bye-bye have fun with the quiz.

Created by: BoreRagnarok
  1. Vaush bad?
  2. What do you think of Socialism?
  3. Defund the police?
  4. Trans rights?
  5. Did you vote for Biden?
  6. Healthcare is...
  7. Gender?
  8. Gay peepo?
  9. What do you think of the state?
  10. Do you luhhh blah peepo?

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Quiz topic: Which character am I from the Vaush anime?
