Which character are you from Sam and Cat

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Congrats your on the who am I from Sam and cat quiz. This quiz is awesome maybe like your but doing lie on questions because all the characters are awesome, so know matter who you get your awesome and be proud and happy even if you get Nona!!!!! :)

You awesome enjoy this quiz it will teach your a little shout Sam and cat. Plus is your cat your one of MHz favorite because cat is my favorite character.

Created by: Alacious klesmith
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color would you prefer?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What TV show would your prefer?
  4. What color hair do you have?
  5. What color eyes do you have?
  6. What grade are you in?
  7. What is your style?
  8. What kind of hair do you have?
  9. What type of music do you like?
  10. What is your favorite fast food place?

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Quiz topic: Which character am I from Sam and Cat