Which character are you from Ever After High

Do you want to know who you re in the fairytale world in Ever After High?Know who your mythical parents are?Take this quiz and find out!And have a lot of fun.

This is a simple quiz just choose what you think.This won't be on your reading scores.You only have to answer three questions.It's a fun quiz.Now on with the quiz,friend!

Created by: Super quizzer
  1. What personality you have?
  2. What do you like to do?
  3. Which is your favorite fairy tale character?
  4. Who do you admire?
  5. Who do you prefer?
  6. Which destiny would you prefer?
  7. Would you....
  8. Do you wish to...
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  10. Are you ....

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Quiz topic: Which character am I from Ever After High
