Which Character are you?

Thera are many people in the world, but which are you? A high flying genius or a couch potato? Which Character of a sci-fi show do you think you are?

Do you have the knowledge, or don't you want it? Find out Now Do you have the knowledge, or don't you want it? Find out Now Do you have the knowledge, or don't you want it? Find out Now

Created by: Woody

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy travelling?
  2. Do you enjoy sight-seeing?
  3. What's your favourite gadget?
  4. What use is a hammer?
  5. Do you enjoy running?
  6. Does the unknown appeal to you?
  7. Do you agree with how the laser screwdriver works?
  8. What scares you the most?
  9. How do react with danger?
  10. How highly do you rate your friends?

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Quiz topic: Which Character am I?