Which character are you?

So, this is a quiz about finding out about which person you are in the book called holes. The main characters you will be selected out of are Caveman, Zigzag, Zero, and X-ray. This book is written by Louis Sachar.

Also have a dank day!,./;'[]\,./;'[]\-=0987654[]\][';.,/;'[-8646359627fhthfryy731nkip./iyte349jvdgbbk95hew3yjl'..;oue24ii75ikl;]\p;;lnkmbvdwtjjhfdtuhu

Created by: Jordan
  1. If you did would you like digging holes?
  2. Are you normally kind of a shy person?
  3. Do you normally stress eat?
  4. Can you normally see if people are lying
  5. Are you stand offish
  6. Do you normally joke around a lot
  7. Are you a troublemaker? :D
  8. Do you like teaching others?
  9. Do you like answering questions?
  10. Are you wild? :D

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Quiz topic: Which character am I?
