Which Character Are You

This is quiz will ask you a series of questions and your answers will reveal what character from Mark Twain's famous Novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".

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Created by: Ross
  1. If you were to witness a mysterious act breaking the law, what would you do?
  2. How would you spend your day off.
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. What is most important to you?
  5. Would you rather...
  6. If you had a project due in one week what would you do?
  7. Would you rather?
  8. Who would you consider a role model?
  9. Who do you show respect to the most?
  10. Which one of these people would most likely become your friend?
  11. Which one of these quotes from the novel sound like something you would say after getting in trouble?

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Quiz topic: Which Character am I
