Which Character Are You?

On this quiz, you are going to be answering questions that pertain to the book Looking for Alaska. Your answers will ultimately determine which character you are.

There are ten questions that, individually, go to a certain character. Make sure you answer every question to get the best possible result that pertains to you.

Created by: Amber Vaughn
  1. More than anything, you want...
  2. What prank would you most want to orchestrate?
  3. Which hobby do you most prefer out of these?
  4. What does your family value most?
  5. What trait describes your personality most?
  6. What do you want most out of life?
  7. Pick a trait that best suits you in your group of friends.
  8. How are you when it comes to homework?
  9. What would you do if you got pranked?
  10. For you, how do you get out of the Labyrinth of Suffering?

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Quiz topic: Which Character am I?
