Which Chainsaw Man Character Are You?

Hello! Welcome to my quiz! You will be seeing which Chainsaw Man character you are! There are 10 short questions that you will answer that determine your personality.

I just finished the show, and I was inspired to make a quiz! I used to make quizzes on here all the time on a different account that got hacked. If you want to check out my old quizzes, visit the profile; “Horror Lives 2”. Hope you enjoy this quiz!

Created by: Hannahxx
  1. Would You Consider Yourself An Optimist, Or A Pessimist?
  2. Are You An Introvert, Or An Extrovert?
  3. What Is Your Opinion On, “The Meaning Of Life”?
  4. Do You Want To Save People?
  5. What Would You Say Your Main Goal In Life Is? (Closet Answer)
  6. Do you find “love” as one of your main goals?
  7. Are You Able To Connect With Others?
  8. Do You Listen To Music A Lot?
  9. Would You Consider Yourself A “Picky” Person?
  10. Last Question, What Do You Value The Most In Life?

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Quiz topic: Which Chainsaw Man Character am I?
