Which celebrity's finely crafted pair of pants are you?

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Ever wondered if you could stand the test of time and stress? Could you wrap around the legs of the finest humans earth has to offer and STAY THERE ?

My whole pitch was used in the first paragraph so please look at these sweet emojii while you wait to test your mettle. haha oops I cant use emojii ahaha this is embarrassing.

Created by: Bravery
  1. Do you prefer dogs or hippos
  2. If you were asked to lay on top of another pair of pants that WAS NOT you, what kind of pants would you like that to be?
  3. Help me, I've broken the realm of the 2nd dimension but I have a long way to go, release me from this prison so that I may join you in the land of the straight walkers.
  4. Who is the strongest psychological force in our world today?
  5. What question often wraps around your brain in the darkest hours of the night?
  6. ...--.--.-..---.--.-----......---.-.-.-.--.-
  7. Are you shorts, or longers?
  8. Who is your favorite author?
  9. M
  10. This is the only one that really counts.
  11. What is your name?

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Quiz topic: Which celebrity's finely crafted pair of pants am I?