Which Celebrity personality are you?

This quiz is just for fun you answer question and then u will have a celebrity name as ur answer. Your personality, interest ect..is gonna get match with a celebrity. PS. SORRY IN THE QUIZ "CAMILA CABELLO" NAME GOT AUTO CORRECT AND GOT SPELLED "CAMILA CABELLOS":'(

Anyways Hope you enjoy the little quiz.Anyways On what you answer it will be compared to a celebrity . There will also explain why that celebrity and why it compares to you.

Created by: Ariana Camilla J
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are u Outgoing or shy??
  2. Are u confident and random and weird and cool??
  3. Girl power or just You are important??
  4. Which is ur favorite stores??(also it can be an online store)
  5. Who is your man crush ???
  6. What is your favorite color ?
  7. Your hobby??
  8. What is your personality???
  9. Who is ur idol
  10. Who is ur style inspiration ??
  11. Who is you woman crush ??
  12. Last question..what is ur favorite number ??(if ur favorite number isn't here just choose one )

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Quiz topic: Which Celebrity personality am I?