Which Celebrity Paedophile Are You?

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There are many different types of people, but few can be a true celebrity paedophile. Using fame and fortune to lure the hearts of the young, which will you be?

Will you be Jimmy, Gary, Rolf or the questionable Michael? Do you have a penchant for young boys,girls or even animals...or maybe you're greedy and like a bit of everything..........

Created by: Fred Bloggs
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of clothing do you prefer
  2. What would be your preferred career
  3. What do you prefer doing in your spare time?
  4. What would be your pet of choice?
  5. What is your favorite food?
  6. What is your favorite colour
  7. What is your preferred method of transport
  8. What is the colour of your hair?
  9. What is your favorite genre of music
  10. Where would you rather visit?

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Quiz topic: Which Celebrity Paedophile am I?