Which celebrity are you?

This quiz is exciting and fun I recommend that you take it, because your missing out, so click on it please I worked very hard on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you a genius? Do you have the brainpower to take this inspiring quiz? I think you do, you are going to luuuuuuuvvvvvv the results you geti. Promise you

Created by: Megan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hiyaaaa!!!
  2. Where do you want to live?
  3. Who do you love more
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Your theme
  6. Favorite Disney character
  7. Favorite book
  8. What's your hair color?
  9. Am I annoying?
  10. Hope you like your result!!

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Quiz topic: Which celebrity am I?