Which celebritry are you going to date

Wanna know which cuute celeb would be your perfect match?? come and find out. Maybe the two of you meet someday and fall in love with each other.. noone knows..

Wanna know which cute celeb would be your perfect match? well, no you got the chance to. Maybe the two of you meet someday and fall in love with each other.. noone knows.

Created by: lojey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok first the looks
  2. What color does your hair have?
  3. What color of hair do you like on other´s
  4. What eyecolor do you like
  5. What accent do you find sexiest?
  6. What do you do for fun
  7. Would you like you´re bf/ gf to be a..
  8. Do you play an instrument?
  9. What do ya do on a saturday night
  10. family or career?

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Quiz topic: Which celebritry am I going to date