Which cat breed are you?!? Answer truthfully

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If you’ve ever wondered what kind of cat you would be, then you’ve come to the right place! These are of course only the most popular types of cats, so plz don’t be expecting some random, crazy rare cat or whatever. Do comment after you earn your result.

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Created by: Clay
  1. If you were a cat, would you like to be picked up? Truth only plz
  2. How would your friends describe you? Truth truth truth
  3. how would you describe yourself? Truuuuuuuth
  4. If you had to be a dog, what kind would you be? If you don’t know what they are, search it up. Hturt trutH
  5. What kind of house do you live in? La verité/ the truth.
  6. What kind of water do you prefer?
  7. What do you think of cat food?
  8. Chose a random word;
  9. Pick a cat;
  10. And one more cat,
  11. Pick your least fav colour on the rainbow 🌈
  12. Pick another colour,
  13. Pick a level of energy that you feel

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Quiz topic: Which cat breed am I?!? Answer truthfully
