Which Cat Are You?

This is just a fun quiz for people curious about it, please don't take it seriously! I know there are a lot of "Which Cat Are You?" Quizzes but I wished to create another one.

If you do take this quiz I hope you are satisfied with your result and enjoy the quiz! (Please do take the quiz! I think you might like it!) -Heatherflame

Created by: Heatherflame
  1. StarClan or The Dark Forest?
  2. Which clan?
  3. Hunter or fighter?
  4. Warrior, kittypet, rouge or loner?
  5. Do you have an apprentice or not?
  6. Do you enjoy kits?
  7. Do you have kits?
  8. Do you have a mate?
  9. Do you enjoy the company of the other clans?
  10. What is one word that would describe you?

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Quiz topic: Which Cat am I?
