Which Bubble Guppy r u?

What Bubble Guppy are you? Are you Deema, Oona, Nonny, Molly, Gil, or Goby? Find out! This quiz will be so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'nnnnnnnnn

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You might be very very very surprised.

Created by: Preslee Jaeger
  1. If you were to have a pet what would you have?
  2. Who's one do you have a crush on
  3. What words do friends describe u with?
  4. This quiz is over
  5. False Alarm
  6. Which one is better
  7. Who has the best hair? (Does not affect)
  8. What is your favorite color
  9. Define a Universe
  10. Last question

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