Which Brooklyn 99 character are you most like?

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Do you watch these New York detectives and wonder who you're most like? Take this quiz about the popular television programme, Brooklyn 99 to find out.

Your personality will determine which one of the following characters you are most like: Jake Peralta, Rosa Diaz, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Charles Boyle, Gina Linetti, or Captain Raymond Holt:

Created by: Pip~x
  1. Are you Male or Female?
  2. What would you say is your best quality?
  3. What would your friends say is your best quality?
  4. What is your worst quality?
  5. What is your job? (pick the closest)
  6. Pick a Police Weapon:
  7. Pick an accessory:
  8. Pick an activity:
  9. How old are you?
  10. What is your relationship status?
  11. Hi!
  12. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Brooklyn 99 character am I most like?
