Which Breed of horse is right for you?

This is a totally fun quiz to take and I would take it as many times as I want because each time you take it you could get a different answer.These results have no effect on real life.

This is a totally fun quiz to take and I would take it as many times as I want because each time you take it you could get a different answer.These results have no effect on real life as it is just a quiz.

Created by: Julesxx13
  1. Which color horse would you like? Choose the category.
  2. Which discipline do you choose?
  3. What facial white markings would your horse have?
  4. How tall would your horse be?
  5. What leg markings would your horse have?
  6. What would you name your horse?
  7. Where would you keep your horse?
  8. What kind of competition would you enter?
  9. How old would your horse be when you got it?
  10. Where would you put your horse at night?

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