Which Breed Of Horse are you?

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Everyone wonders what horse they may be like. You may have personality of a pony, a fiery hearted horse, or a calm and collected draft horse. You may like to ride western or English.

Do You Know what kind of horse you mostly are like? Well take this quiz to find out!!!! There are 5 different kinds of horses you could tuurn out to be! It's Time you find out Who you Are!

Created by: Dakota

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are You:
  2. Whats Your favorite Color of Horse?
  3. What is Your Favorite Horsey Sport?
  4. What is your Favorite Color? (Any Shade)
  5. What is most important to you?
  6. What do you think is the most important feature in someone?
  7. What is your Favorite height of a horse?
  8. Your Style of riding is:
  9. Do Know who Big Chex To Cash is?
  10. Do You Love Horses:
  11. How long have you loved Horses?

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Quiz topic: Which Breed Of Horse am I?