Which Braverman sibling are you?

Are you obsessed with Parenthood? Like I am? Well, which character do you real are most to? Are you a calm, sensible Adam? Are you a feisty, confident Sarah? Are you a wild, party animal Crosby? Are you a strict, stubborn Julia?

Science says that if I ask you these questions, you will totally find out who you are most like! Do you know you are dying to know what character you are?

Created by: Lily Reynolds

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you calm and sensible?
  2. Are you very independent and confident?
  3. Are you wild and sexy?
  4. Are you fair and unflappable?
  5. What color is your hair?
  6. Do you like being busy, or just kind of chilling?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Do you like sparkles?
  9. Do you like coffee?
  10. Are you a big eater?

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Quiz topic: Which Braverman sibling am I?