Which Bionicle Element are You?

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What better way to learn about yourself than by classification into one of the six main elements from the Bionicle universe? Take the test to find out which you fit best!

The questions are designed particularly to match you to the traits of the various Toa Mata but apply to all Bionicle of each element. Note that many answers will increase and decrease your "match" to more than just one element!

Created by: dylan
  1. Which land mammal do you relate to most?
  2. What do you value most about yourself as a friend?
  3. What do you need most from a friend? (Note: You may have friends who fill all these needs! Simply pick the one you can *least* fill without them.)
  4. Which of the following is the scariest to you?
  5. You're assigned to a week-long group project at work or school, with no clear instruction on how to organize yourselves. What's your biggest priority?
  6. Who would you choose to go as for Halloween?
  7. Your former best friend went behind your back and lied to everyone on your school newspaper that you cheated, lied and manipulated your way to becoming editor. How do you react?
  8. What other original Lego theme did you enjoy most?
  9. Which of the following helps you handle stress the best?
  10. Finally, which Bionicle element do you feel you relate to most?

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Quiz topic: Which Bionicle Element am I?
