Which Big Nate Character are you?

There seems to be a couple of Big Nate quizzes out there, and I am setting out to make one of the most detailed yet! *sighs* this will take a while...

Apparently there has to be another paragraph here. I'm just going to talk and talk about random stuff to fill in characters. Blablablablablablablabla.

Created by: Lou Miso
  1. Let's start with the basics-best color of these?
  2. better animal?
  3. If someone got a 20 on their homework you would....
  4. If someone stole your lunch you would...
  5. Oh boy. Someone decided to break into the computer lab during recess to play around on gotoquiz.com! Do you join them?
  6. How have you gotten detention?
  7. Abe Lincoln was born in which state?
  8. What are your thoughts on Jenny?
  9. If you had the chance to axe-bomb a classroom, would you? (axe-bombing is taping a can of 'axe' deodorant to make it spray its incredibly flammable and odious spray everywhere)
  10. Pick one (doesn't affect outcome)

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Quiz topic: Which Big Nate Character am I?
