Which Big Hero Six Character Are You?

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Want to figure out which big hero six character you best represent well this is a test to figure out which one is yours it doesn't matter which one you get just make sure you answer these questions correctly.

Do you love big hero six and want to know which character you are most like then this quiz is for you but remember to answer each question correctly or these results will not be accurate?

Created by: Movie nerd
  1. If you had to pick one of these science's to study which one would you pick.
  2. What do you do if you have a secret that you can't tell anyone?
  3. Someone is being very mean and bad what do you do.
  4. What gender are you?
  5. How many friends do you have?
  6. If you could have a superpower what would it be.
  7. If a close friend died what do you do.
  8. If someone asks you to break the rules for a good reason what do you do.
  9. What is your favorite color?
  10. What is your favorite character?

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Quiz topic: Which Big Hero Six Character am I?
