Which bender are you

You know avatar the last air bender you it's that. +hhhhhhhhhvffgjfyujyudjfsoyrsoute te te tso e te tso rsoutsoutd el tema te lo tete tsuts e te lo te e dicho y d

If you don't it's you element. The Gd té us utsputstt en la playa de los más grandes y de la más alta calidad de los turistas que visitan el país y que se encuentran en el centro de la ciudad de Barcelona y el mundo de la

Created by: Jae
  1. Which color do you like most.
  2. How would you describe yourself
  3. What are you in the friend group no matter how big or small.
  4. What do you do if someone disagrees with something you strongly believe in
  5. What power would you want most.
  6. What do you believe in more.
  7. What is your greatest asset?
  8. What's your least greatest asset?
  9. What's your favorite season?
  10. Are you a morning or night person
  11. Which animal would you want most

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Quiz topic: Which bender am I
