Which Beatle are you?

If you love the beatles then take this quiz to find out what beatle you are. you can find out if your john, paul, george or ringo. this quiz is only for fun so if you didnt get the results you wanted too bad.

If you love the beatles then take this quiz to find out what beatle you are. you can find out if your john, paul, george or ringo. this quiz is only for fun so if you didnt get the results you wanted too bad....

Created by: julles
  1. What's your religion?
  2. What's your favorite musical instrument?
  3. If you had a time machine, what year would you go to?
  4. if you could grow something, what would it be?
  5. do you enjoy...
  6. If you were asked a question about "paul is dead" would you say...
  7. fill in the blank... she ***** you
  8. How many times would you like to have sex?
  9. If you could you would...
  10. you would live at/in...

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Quiz topic: Which Beatle am I?