Which bear are you?

which bear are you? Find out which bear you are! Are you tough Toklo, honest Kallik,kind Lucy, or trusting Ujurak. Find out what you are on this quiz!

Are you a bear? are you loyal trusting kind and brave You'll have to wait to find out unless you take this fantastic quiz! So don't wait take the quiz!

Created by: andrea
  1. would you rather eat
  2. What color fur would you have
  3. what personality do you have?
  4. what bear do you want to be
  5. if you lost your brother or sister what would you do?
  6. If you were Toklo what would you do if nobody cared for you anymore
  7. what would you rate this quiz from 1 - 10
  8. did you like this quiz
  9. Do you like the "seekers"? if so what would you rate it?
  10. do you like the "warriors" series?

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Quiz topic: Which bear am I?