Which Bassist are you?

Which bassist are you? All of the possible out comes are famous bassists in bands of todays popular music era. I honestly have nothing left to say so i am ranting. So how is your day going? Are you sure you dont have some homework to do or something?

Which one of these famous bassists are you most like?Which bassist are you? All of the possible out comes are famous bassists in bands of todays popular music era. I honestly have nothing left to say so i am ranting. So how is your day going? Are you sure you dont have some homework to do or something?

Created by: Jordan

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of music do you usually play?
  2. How do you act on stage
  3. How do you usually play?
  4. How do you Dress
  5. Are you in a band that plays shows alot?
  6. Do you even play bass?
  7. How many bands have you been in?
  8. Out of these bassists, which do you most want to be like?
  9. Whats your favorite kind of bass
  10. Did you think this was a good quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Bassist am I?