Which ballad of seodong Korean drama character are you?

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This quiz is about character s of ballad of seodong a historical Korean drama of 2005 that was directed by lee byeong hoon and the actor and actresses was: jo hyun jae lee bo young and ryu jin

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Created by: Seodong
  1. What is the most important thing for you?
  2. Who is your favorite character?
  3. How much your power is important?
  4. What is the thing that people know you by?
  5. What do you know yourself by?
  6. Who do you hate ?
  7. It has effect so you can donโ€™t answer you are a girl ar boy?
  8. It has effect so you can donโ€™t answer:how old are you?
  9. Did you enjoy?
  10. Are you ready for answer?

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Quiz topic: Which ballad of seodong Korean drama character am I?
