Which ballad of seodong character are you?

This is a quiz of which character are you in korea drama 2005 ballad of seodong ? Do you like it write in comments the results are seodong seonhwa buyeo sun saraek giroo princess wooyoung and mook rasoo

Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊😊its my first quiz so sorry if its not good but write for me to know my problems thank you for doing the quiez 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Created by: Hermione
  1. What is the most important thing for you ?
  2. How much are you a top student and do techers in your school are good with you?
  3. Do yo think your q good peson?
  4. Are you very famous?
  5. Why are you famous?
  6. Did you enjoy?
  7. Do you like ballad of seodong(no effect)
  8. How is you favorite character?
  9. Was the questions good ?
  10. Have a nice day and write who you are

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Quiz topic: Which ballad of seodong character am I?
