Which Balkan country are you???

Okay so this quiz is going to tell you which Balkan country represents you. If your generally mild or soft this quiz probably isn’t for you because that’s just not how the Balkans role.

I chose to not add Croatia because I felt like I’d just dump all the positive things into Croatia which is weird because this is a Balkan quiz. I somehow forgot Bulgaria as well really sorry, don’t send to many death threats. I did remember Portugal though.

Created by: Onion Soup
  1. Someone has broken into your house, what do you do?
  2. Which of the seven deadly sins do you identify with the most
  3. Which of the following represents you the most
  4. Are you a good person?
  5. Which of the horse men of the apocalypse represents you best :D
  6. Are you actually from the Balkans
  7. Do you like Green
  8. Thoughts on Kebabs
  9. nnhhbhvvgeec
  10. GG

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Quiz topic: Which Balkan country am I???
