Which Bakugan Attribute Do You Have?

Have you ever wondered what Bakugan Attribute you would use? Good! This quiz is perfect for you. Answer the following and it'll calculate whether you're Pyrus, Ventus, Haos, Subterra, Darkus, or Aquos.

Make sure to answer these honestly and fairly. Each question has been placed in a certain way to make sure you have your preferred result. For every answer, is a tack on you and you alone. Good luck.

Created by: Saturn_Hedgefox
  1. First things first. What's your personality type?
  2. Okay. Now, who are your favorite Gen 1 Brawler and Bakugan duo?
  3. Next. Who was your favorite evolution?
  4. Maybe, you're not feeling the flow. Think about this one very carefully, okay? Favorite Attribute.
  5. Maybe you're challenged by Masquerade. Who would be your main Bakugan? (Keep in mind, I did add the video game Bakugan)
  6. Random question.
  7. Another Random.
  8. Best sounding word?
  9. If you were in the anime, yourself, who would you get along with best?
  10. Last question. What is your personal tactic for winning?

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Quiz topic: Which Bakugan Attribute do I Have?
