Which Avatar Character Are You?

Avatar is a fun show that clears the mind and opens reason. There will be an avatar movie coming up soon. This test asks which character is most suitable for you.

Do you want to find out which avatar character you are? Then find out now! Take a fun new quiz that asks you enjoyable, interesting and exciting questions! Take it now! I mean it! Take the quiz!!

Created by: person
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your ideal place for a home?
  2. You are attacked by a robber! You first....
  3. Your favorite pass time is.....
  4. I like to bend....
  5. One of your friends is falling of a cliff to their death. You first....
  6. My clothing style is....
  7. How would you like to die?
  8. Your favorite pet is a....
  9. you are ambushed my a group on ninjas. You....
  10. You are drowning in the ocean. You....

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Quiz topic: Which Avatar Character am I?