Which Atlantean god are you? Step 1

First things first, this is part one so after you do this go to my website and find the second part that works. (Sorry for the inconvenience)

All the gods are from the Dark Hunter books and I got my information from: "Fandom Dark Hunter Atlantean Pantheon Gods." Thanks - Dragon King

Created by: Dragon King of Which Atlantean god are you
(your link here more info)
  1. On a scale of 1 to 5 who much do you think that you are the opposite of your self? (1: not at all | 5: completely)
  2. Are you happy a lot of the time?
  3. Do you sometimes fell as if you where cursed?
  4. Are you a leader?
  5. Are you interested in the sky and space?
  6. Do you make excess a lot of the time?
  7. Do you like to hunt? And if so are you good at it?
  8. Are you in chaos a lot of the time?
  9. Do you think that you are just?
  10. Are you hard working?
  11. Do you what a lot of things?
  12. Do you think that you can get done what you what done?
  13. Do you love good looking things?
  14. Do you like nature?
  15. Are you a messenger?
  16. Do you like the day or the night?
  17. Are you a good mediator?
  18. Are you good at copying someone else?
  19. Do you like to fight?
  20. Do you guard the people you love and like?
  21. Do you make people afraid?
  22. Do you like water?
  23. Do like the wind?
  24. Do you like the cold?

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Quiz topic: Which Atlantean god am I? Step 1
