Which Assassins Creed Protagonist Are You? (Up to Syndicate)

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Discover which Assassin you are from the Assassins Creed Games you are. I could not include Bayek, Aya, Kassandra, Eivor or Basim Sorry :( Also I wanted to add more options

The options you can get are:- Altair - Ezio - Connor - Edward - Haytham - Shay - Arno - Jacob- Evie - Desmond I will just fill the text here so I can publish this

Created by: Gillian
  1. First, which of this options is closer to your Origins? (By the way, sorry I could include Bayek and the rest)
  2. How did you used to be in your younger days?
  3. Which is your biggest strength?
  4. Which are your strongest personality traits? (You will choose 2)
  5. Choose another trait (NOT THE SAME)
  6. Which is your biggest flaw? (You will chose two, again)
  7. Choose another flaw (NOT THE SAME)
  8. Which period in time would you like to visit?
  9. Which is your preferred weapon?
  10. Choose a modification for your hidden blade
  11. What's your motivation?
  12. Who is your best ally?
  13. Who is your biggest enemy?
  14. Who was your mentor?
  15. Which Assassin Robes are you choosing?
  16. Finally, what's your view on the templars?

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Quiz topic: Which Assassins Creed Protagonist am I? (Up to Syndicate)
