Which Araea Character Are You?

Ever wonder which character in the Araea universe you are the most similar to? Of course you have. Well now you can take this quiz and find out for yourself.

The following series of questions will help you to determine which of the Araea project's main characters are the closest match to your own personality.

Created by: Kaz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you feel about life in the big city?
  2. How do you feel about being in a position of authority?
  3. Somebody cheats you, what do you do?
  4. You have someone in your custody and need information from them. How comfortable are you with threatening their family in order to get your detainee to talk?
  5. Are you prepared to follow through on your threat if your detainee doesn't cooperate.
  6. What's your preferred weapon?
  7. Do you have a lot of friends?
  8. Your community is under attack, what do you do!?
  9. How do you like the outdoors?
  10. Are your parents alive or dead?
  11. Do you often find yourself hindered by sentimentality in situations that call for icy ruthlessness?
  12. Do you enjoy reading?
  13. If you were dropped in the middle of the desert with only what you routinely carry on your person, could you survive?
  14. How good of a hunter are you?
  15. Would you accept the deaths of innocents as collateral damage in order to achieve an objective?
  16. If your affections for someone were rejected by that person, and they also publicly mocked and humiliated you, what would you do?
  17. Are you an honest person?
  18. Can you handle yourself in a hand to hand physical fight?
  19. Do you like animals?
  20. How do you do in the romance department?
  21. You confront a man who has broken into your home, what do you do?
  22. How do you feel about children?
  23. What is your primary mission in life?

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Quiz topic: Which Araea Character am I?