Which aphmau chater are u!

Thxs so much i hoped u loved it! whut charter did u get i hoped you enjoyed have fun and more lel i ran out of questions at the end lel yup cyaaaaaaaaa

Thxs so much i hoped u loved it! whut charter did u get i hoped you enjoyed have fun and more lel i ran out of questions at the end lel yup cyaa lellllll

Created by: Nicole of AphmauLovers
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u love begin with ur friends
  2. how are u around people
  3. do u do alot of social media/games
  4. who plays garroth aphmau laurence kawaii chan cadenza katlyns vand nicoles voice
  5. Did u have fun
  6. hi
  7. derp
  8. i like u
  9. i ran out of questions
  10. ...

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