Which Anthem Character Are YOU?

Anthem is an amazing dystopian novel by Ayn Rand. The characters have numbers for names and unusual circumstances. Let's see which character you are most like.

Remember, dystopian means an imperfect society in a world that was supposed to be perfect but failed. Some examples would be The Hunger Games, Lord of the Flies, or Fahrenheit 451.

Created by: Miss Robbins
  1. What is your favorite food (out of these options)?
  2. How do you feel about relationships?
  3. How good are you at following rules?
  4. Where is your dream vacation?
  5. Do you think removing "I" from the English language would simplify grammar and make things more equal?
  6. How are you with gift giving and recieving?
  7. What is your preferred footwear (out of these)?
  8. How many cars would you prefer to own?
  9. Which toothpaste flavor (out of these) would you pick?
  10. Which of these do you read?

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Quiz topic: Which Anthem Character am I?
