Which annoying club in my class would you be in?

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This is an annoying quiz about which annoying club in my fourth grade class you'd most likely be in! This is totally a terrible quiz, but I don't care!

The clubs are the Boopies, the Fluffy Bunnies, and the SSO. These are all super annoying. A lot of clubs are super annoying. These are just the only ones I can annoyingly remember!

Created by: Ameliaka Hadlaka
  1. People should get nicknames based on...
  2. The best song in the world is...
  3. Each club should have _ songs.
  4. What do you call your friend when you're trying to think of a good name?
  5. Is this quiz annoying, so far?
  6. Is this quiz still annoying?
  7. What's the most annoying club in the class?
  8. Define "annoying".
  9. Is this quiz annoying now?
  10. Is this quiz still still annoying?

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