Which Animal Spirit Are You?

Have you ever wondered what animal you would be if you WERE an animal? Well, now you don't have to! This quiz will tell you!..... I hope! Thanks for taking it!

Are you sure you answered honestly? I hope so. Thanks for taking the quiz! I would prefer to be a cat if they weren't so SELFISH! But my second choice because of they way their body works and their loyalty.. I would pick a dog.

Created by: Flamie26670 AJ

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you or your pack/tribe/group are stranded somewhere without food and have the chance to escape but leave an animal behind, what would you do and who/what would you leave behind?
  2. If there is 2 pieces of food left for a group of 3 animals (including you) what would you do?
  3. When faced by a huge group of your groups enemy, what would you do?
  4. When you're trapped with humans and you aren't being treated well and your group is close to death, what do you do??!
  5. If you were human, would you play any educational animal related games?
  6. Did you enjoy this quiz? (You will answer this question 4 more times because I have no more questions to ask and I need to ask 12, so.. why not?? (Thats the rating, like 5 star, 4 star, etc.)
  7. How did you like this quiz?
  8. How do you like this quiz?
  9. Well, sorry to keep asking. How well was the quiz?
  10. Yay, last question! Which animal do you like the most?

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Quiz topic: Which Animal Spirit am I?